[this review is based on it's Japanese/SE Asian version "Taiko no Tatsujin: Nintendo Switch Version!"] Taiko no Tatsujin (or Taiko Drum Master) has never seen a US release since it's bastardized US debut on the PlayStation 2 back in 2004 We thought this will never see US release and after years of the series hidden behind region locks on the 3DS, Wii and Wii U and being the only region free [Nintendo wise at least] entries at that time (the DS games) being scalped to death on eBay - It was announced for the West but is it worth buying? Let's take a look! PROS + The song selection in Nintendo Switch Version/Drum n' Fun is very good though it differs with other people's taste + The game can be playable with or without the HORI Tatacon + DLC is affordable [$4.00 per pack, 99 cents for the individual Classical DLC tracks] + Fun mini-games CONS - Mini-Games can be tedious when played solo
- Oni Mode might be bitch for some players (Not technically a bad thing, but Millennials believe anything hard must be like Dark Souls) - For Motion Controls and the Hori Tatacon, Might require configuration from the start Now about "Drum n' Fun" (the western release of Nintendo Switch Version!) Here of things to note ------------------------------------------------------------- Performance Character "Shinkalion E5 Hayabusa" and song "Shinka Riron" is not available for DLC for "Drum n' Fun" DLC Performance Characters "Nekoko & Tomomo" (from Nekotomo) and Japanese Beatboxer Hikakin are no longer available for either Nintendo Switch Version! or Drum n' Fun as of this review's posting eShop only in the US - Released Physically in UK/EU Now the big question, Is the game worth buying? I feel it's worth your money Sure getting it via eShop is a gamble in regards of space thus getting a bigger microSDXC card is a must for future DLC announcements for Nintendo Switch Version/Drum n' Fun - please refer to Taiko Time for your Taiko no Tatsujin news: http://taikotime.blogspot.com My verdict for Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum n' Fun is... 9.5 out of 10